Friday, March 2, 2007

The Big Electronics Illusion

I don't know which one to start with so I will make some generalizations.

  • Low paying and part time.. (this keeps down over head costs)
  • They like to call there employees "associates"
  • Uniforms to add to the professional illusion

First up!

Best Buy,Circuit City, and any other elctronics "big boxes".

Most "associates" are college students too interested in who, or what, they are doing this weekend to care about what it is you need or want. If per chance you get one of them to break free of there "coffee talk huddle" to come and see what you need, be prepared to be immediately let down. Most likely they will need to get the manager on duty to help you find that specific item, which is usually located on the shelf just behind the large flock of color coordinated "associates" who are too busy to be bothered with your petty questions.

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